College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

master’s thesis

At the College of Political Science of Al-Nahrain University, a master’s thesis titled “Psychological Warfare and Iraqi National Security Policies: A Study of the Performance of Security Apparatuses after 2014”—submitted by the student Maki Karim Awad—was discussed..

‏The examining committee consisted of the following esteemed professors:

‏ • Prof. Dr. Saddam Abdul Sattar Rashid – Chair

‏ • Prof. Dr. Firas Abdul Karim – Member

‏ • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uday Faleh Hussein – Member

‏ • Dr. Ahmed Hussein Wali – Member and Supervisor

‏Importance of the Study

‏The significance of this study stems from the ongoing security challenges posed by terrorist organizations, notably the terrorist group ISIS. Psychological warfare is considered a key element in achieving victory in conflict, and the examination of the performance of security apparatuses is crucial for several reasons:

‏ 1. Combating Terrorist Threats: Terrorist threats present a major challenge to Iraq’s national security. The study underscores the effectiveness of psychological warfare in addressing this challenge.

‏ 2. Enhancing Security Performance: The research evaluates the performance of security apparatuses and examines how psychological warfare can improve their efficacy, thereby strengthening national security and addressing both current and future challenges.

‏ 3. Strengthening Security Policies: The study offers insights that can help develop and reinforce national security policies. By integrating psychological warfare techniques into confrontation strategies, policymakers can better prepare for future challenges.

‏ 4. Achieving Internal Stability: A correct understanding of the effectiveness of psychological warfare and national security policies is essential for attaining internal stability and peace in Iraq.

‏Study Objectives

‏The study aims to examine psychological warfare and its impact on national security policies after 2014, in addition to several subsidiary objectives:

‏ 1. Defining Psychological Warfare: To ascertain the nature of psychological warfare, its methodologies, and the means of its implementation.

‏ 2. Analyzing the National Security System: To investigate the Iraqi national security framework by examining the measures and components that bolster national security.

‏ 3. Reviewing Psychological Warfare Strategies: To study the strategies of psychological warfare that have been adopted by Iraqi security apparatuses after 2014.

‏ 4. Enhancing Security Capabilities: To explore ways to build and enhance the capacities of security apparatuses.