“A Master’s Thesis at the University of Nahrain Discusses Cyber Attacks and Digital Economics of Advanced Countries

A master’s thesis at the College of Political Science, University of Nahrain, discussed cyber attacks and digital economics of advanced countries: A study of selected models, for student Ali Khaled Diwan. The discussion took place in the Hall of Nahrain Civilizations.
The discussion committee consisted of:
- Professor Abdulsamad Saadoun Abdullah as Chairman.
- Professor Dr. Malik Duhaim Matib as a member.
- Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Abdul-Karim Hassan as a member.
- Assistant Professor Dr. Nasreen Riyadh Shanshal as a member and supervisor.
The thesis aims to:
- Analyze the nature and forms of cyber attacks targeting digital economies in advanced countries and evaluate their impact on these economies.
- Explore the economic and social implications of cyber attacks on vital digital sectors.
- Highlight the efforts of advanced countries to enhance their digital economy and confront electronic risks.
The thesis included an in-depth study of a number of selected models from advanced countries, through analyzing data and reports on the impact of cyber attacks on various economic sectors, with a review of the protection and response strategies adopted in these countries.
The thesis reached a number of conclusions, most notably:
- The increasing danger of cyber attacks with the continuous development of digital technology, making advanced economies vulnerable to significant financial losses.
- The need to strengthen international cooperation in the field of cyber security to confront the increasing threats to the global digital economy.
- The importance of adopting flexible policies and advanced strategies to protect the information infrastructure in advanced countries.