College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

(scientific discussion)

The doctoral thesis by student Hafez Sahib Muhammad, entitled (The positions of the Iraqi Islamic parties on the democratic experience after 2003: transformations in thought and practice “selected models”), was discussed in a distinguished scientific event organized by the College of Political Science in the Hall of Two Rivers Civilizations. The scientific committee discussing the thesis consisted of:
1. Chairman of the Committee: Professor Dr. Ahmed Ghaleb Mohi.
2. Member: Professor Dr. Israa Alaa El-Din Nouri
3. Member: Professor Dr. Yasser Ali Ibrahim
4. Member: Professor Dr. Tariq Abdel Hafez Adnan
5. Member: Assistant Professor Dr. Istabraq Fadel Shair
6. Member and supervisor: Professor Dr. Kazem Ali Mahdi
We congratulate the researcher for this distinction, wishing you success and more giving
