College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

(scientific workshop)

Under the patronage of the Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Al-Nahrain University, the respected Professor Dr. Osama Murtada Baqir Al-Saidi, and within the framework of raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and their impact on various aspects of life, the Continuing Education Unit organized a scientific workshop entitled (Drugs, Challenges, Prevention, and Their Impact on Society), on Wednesday, 2/19/2025, in the auditorium.It was hosted by Colonel Naseer Abbas, Director of Baghdad Crime Control, and Assistant Professor Dr. Mohsen Hassani participated in it, and the session was moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Rawaa Taha Darwish.
The lecturers explained that drugs lead to family disintegration, high crime rates, and the spread of unemployment and poverty. They also hinder human development by destroying the energies of young people, who are the pillar of societyColonel Abbas stressed that the drug trade poses a major threat to national security, as it is linked to crimes such as theft, violence, terrorism, and money laundering.
At the conclusion of the session, several recommendations were made to limit the spread of drugs, including:
1- Promoting community awareness through media and educational campaigns about the dangers of drugs.
2-Supporting the family and enhancing its role in supervision and guidance to protect children from deviance towards drug abuse.
3- Developing educational curricula to include awareness materials about the harms of drugs and ways to prevent them.
4- Strengthening security control at border crossings and local markets to prevent sabotage and drug trafficking.
5- Establishing specialized treatment and rehabilitation centers for drug abusers.
6- Activating deterrent laws against drug trafficking and its promotion.
7-Empowering young people economically and socially by providing job opportunities and sports and cultural programs that reduce the possibility of them falling into addiction.
At the conclusion of the workshop, the Dean of the College presented certificates to the participants in this important scientific activity.