College of Political Science, Nahrain University

(scientific workshop)

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Political Sciences, Professor Dr. Osama Baqir Al-Saidi, and within the framework of activating the role of educational institutions in addressing societal risks, the psychological counseling, rehabilitation and employment units at the college, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, organized a scientific workshop entitled: “Regular Migration and the Risks of Irregular Migration and Supporting... Returning Migrants,” on Sunday, 10/20/2024, in the Hall of Two Rivers Civilizations.
The workshop included a discussionThe concept of immigration, highlighting its dangers of emptying countries of their competencies and young groups, in addition to reviewing the legal and security differences between regular and irregular immigration.
The workshop was presented by:
• Soha Rashid Aliwi - Consultant at the Labor and Migration Resource Center.
• Atiaf Mazhar Mutlak - Consultant at the Employment Resource Center.
The workshop witnessed fruitful interaction from the attendees, which reflects the great interest in these issues that affect society and affect its stability and development.