College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

scientific research

The two professors from the Department of Strategy at the College of Political Science - Al-Nahrain University (Prof. Rana Ahmed Rajab) and (Prof. Manasek Abdel-Wahab Hikmat) published a scientific research in the book of proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Climate Change and the Dynamics of Societies: Studies and Sustainable Solutions), which It was held according to online technology in Cairo, titled “The Impact of Climate Change on the African Environment.”
The research discusses climate changes in Africa, the signs of which have begun to appear sinceIn the early 1970s, Africa faced the effects of climate change in a real way, and this change led widely to the emergence of new phenomena that the continent had not been accustomed to before, such as rising temperatures and weakness in agricultural production.
The two teachers, Rajab and Hakim, also attempted in their research to reveal the extent of the effects of climate change on the African environment, and to highlight the role of African leaders in mitigating and adapting to these effects.