College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

scientific research

The teaching staff of the Department of Strategy at the Faculty of Political Science at Al-Nahrain University, Manasik Abdul Wahab Hikmat, in collaboration with researcher Ali Saadi Musa, published a scientific research in issue (49) of the Journal of Political and Strategic Studies issued by the House of Wisdom, titled (Strategies for Building Peace and Regional Stability: Iraq as a Model)
The research discusses the issue of peace, which constitutes one of the most important issues for countries suffering from conflicts
Intractable, especially in the post-war phase, because peace as a meaning targets the security, stability, and well-being of societies, and Iraq is among those countries that have witnessed many wars and conflicts since 1980 until the present day. Iraq, as a country with a pluralistic society, needs a broad and comprehensive process to achieve stability and security through... Peacebuilding process. By adopting several steps that address the drivers of conflict and strengthening Iraqi national capabilities to prevent its recurrence,