College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

(Qur’anic forum and iftar on the occasion of Jerusalem Day)

“Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Political Sciences, Professor Dr. Osama Murtada Baqir Al-Saidi, the Al-Asr Center for Strategic Studies and Research today organized a Qur’anic ceremony and an iftar banquet in the corridors of the college, on the occasion of International Jerusalem Day,” with the participation of the social media team in the Prime Minister’s Office and the Red Crescent Society, which was attended by Deputy Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. Ali Razouki, Professor Dr. Omar Farouk, Assistant to the University President for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Alaa Hussein, Assistant to the University President for Administrative Affairs, and Professor Dr. Jumah Salman Jiyad, Dean of the College of Engineering.” Amid a distinguished presence of professors, employees, students and their honorable families, the event witnessed widespread interaction on the importance of preserving Jerusalem as a holy city and a civilizational and cultural center for the entire world.