College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

(Field visit to the Iraqi Parliament)

Under the patronage of the Honorable Dean of the College of Political Sciences, Professor Dr. Osama Murtada Baqir Al-Saidi, the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit organized a field visit to the Iraqi Parliament on Monday, 5/6/2024. A number of professors and fourth-year students participated in the visit, where lectures were held in the Al-Shabibi Hall in the Council building, presented by the general directors of the Council’s departments. The lectures included question-asking sessions and interventions by professors and students.
The visit also included a tour of the Media Department, the Research Departments, and the Parliamentary Development Institute, to learn on the ground about the nature of work in these departments. The tour included a visit to the session hall and the great hall.