College of Political Science, Nahrain University

Al-Nahrain University, College of Political Science

“Scientific Discussion

A scientific discussion was held at the College of Political Science, Al-Nahrain University, to discuss the master’s thesis entitled “Sustainable Development and the Evolution of the Knowledge Economy after 2008: A Study of Selected Models” by student Zahraa Fadhil Faisal. The discussion committee consisted of professors:

  • Prof. Dr. Wasan Ihsan Abdul-Menem (Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr. Layla Ashour Hajim (Member)
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Zain Al-Abidine Muhammad Abdul-Hussein (Member)
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Randa Talal Hassan (Member and Supervisor)

The importance of the research lies in studying the close relationship between sustainable development and the knowledge economy, in order to understand how to achieve a balance between economic progress and environmental preservation, especially in light of the rapid developments in all aspects of life, which have made knowledge a fundamental element for achieving sustainable development.

This study can contribute to directing efforts towards achieving sustainable economic growth, improving the quality of life, and protecting the environment and natural resources for current and future generations. The research also aims to analyze the role of technology and innovation in formulating more efficient and equitable development policies.

The research presents a set of recommendations, most notably the adoption of government policies that enhance the role of knowledge in the economy, and achieve integration between sustainable development and investment in technology and innovation. It also emphasizes the importance of strengthening international links, benefiting from the experiences of developed countries in exchanging experiences and modern technologies, to achieve a sustainable knowledge economy.”